If you are wondering whether or not you received extra credit for posting on the blog, you should check your grade on powerschool! - it will be listed as an extra credit assignment, and you will see that you have points entered there.
As a general rule, if your posting appears on the blog, you may assume that I am giving you extra credit. Double-check on powerschool (or check with me in class) to be sure that credit is given. If you notice that something is in error, please let me know right away - I have been known to make mistakes before, so I certainly don't mind you asking me questions!
Typically, 3 points are given per post, assuming that you have given yourself proper credit (first name, last initial, and class period...) and that you have written a thoughtful answer. To people outside of our class, 3 points may not seem like much... until you realize that I work on a tiny points scale where major projects = 25 points, as opposed to a more common 100 point scale. For more information on art grades, see the art website where I have posted additional art grade information.
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