Lukas is making a letter "L" sculpture! |
"This week we worked on block letters, or 3D letters. We first started out by doing a little practicing with drawing them. We worked on using a vanishing point, and also learned a little bit of shading of 3D objects. Then we made our work come to life, and make our written pieces into awesome cardboard letters."
7th Grade Art:
- Lukas H, Period 9
Gabrielle's soda can drawing, pre-crushed state! |
"This week, we started our still life project. We've been working on drawing our soda can while incorporating shadows and highlights. Wednesday, we sketched our can very carefully. On Thursday and Friday, we continued that and added some color. Soon, we will move on to our half-crushed drawing."
8th Grade Art:
"On Monday, we finished creating our clay projects. On Tuesday, we started learning about our next project the pixel portrait. The pixel portrait is a drawing that we create by coloring in squares on a grid to make it look like a picture of ourselves. For the rest of the week we began coloring in the final draft of our pixel portrait."
In other art news...

Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
- Gabrielle B, Period 4
Kaitlin's bisque-fired ceramic mug, awaiting glaze. |
Kaitlin's pixel portrait, in the early stages. |
"On Monday, we finished creating our clay projects. On Tuesday, we started learning about our next project the pixel portrait. The pixel portrait is a drawing that we create by coloring in squares on a grid to make it look like a picture of ourselves. For the rest of the week we began coloring in the final draft of our pixel portrait."
- Kaitlin T, Period 1
In other art news...
- Our Annual K-8 District 205 Student Art Exhibition will be on display from April 28th to May 3rd! There is a special reception for students and their families on Friday, May 1st from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. You can view the Sandburg participating student artists' work on our special Artsonia exhibit found here. For museum hours and other info, check out the EAM webpage here.
- Next week is PARCC testing; we will not have art classes on Monday or Friday next week. :(
- Eighth grade students should submit their drawings for the promotion ceremony program cover contest by Wednesday, May 6th. The winning design gets used for the actual program cover! Students should see me if they have any questions.
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.