Sorry, there's no new blog post this week due to Friday being a teacher institute day. I'll be out at the ICE Conference in St. Charles, learning about fun new technology tools for the classroom! See you next week for the latest news from the art room!
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
This Week in Art! February 16-20, 2015
6th Grade Art:
7th Grade Art:
Today was the last day of art for seventh grade, so we spent the time finishing up our projects as much as possible! Students turned in their completed "Evolution of a Pop Can" observational drawings, and some students even had time to do an oil pastel study of their pop can!
Our pop can drawings can be viewed here on our Artsonia gallery. Enjoy!
8th Grade Art:
In other art news...

Winter art classes at the Elmhurst Art Museum start this Monday! Check out this link for classes, more information, or to register.
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
Scott drew some emojis as part of his drawing challenge assignment. |
"It was the last week of art, which meant *gasp* GRADING TIME! It was a fun week though. We did photographing most of class Tuesday. Wednesday we colored our photo background. We worked on this for the rest of the week. We made our pictures like a Kehinde Wiley painting."
- Scott P, Period 8
Identities have been altered to protect student privacy :) |
7th Grade Art:
Emily's "Evolution of a Pop Can" drawing. I love the shading on this! |
Today was the last day of art for seventh grade, so we spent the time finishing up our projects as much as possible! Students turned in their completed "Evolution of a Pop Can" observational drawings, and some students even had time to do an oil pastel study of their pop can!
Our pop can drawings can be viewed here on our Artsonia gallery. Enjoy!
8th Grade Art:
Luke's text box sculpture has been glazed and is awaiting a kiln firing to make it bright and shiny! |
"This week in art class we worked on glazing our clay projects. We got to choose from four projects, the monster pot,the mug, the word box, and the human figure sculpture. I chose the word box, and I had a lot of fun working on my project."
- Luke C, Period 1
In other art news...
Winter art classes at the Elmhurst Art Museum start this Monday! Check out this link for classes, more information, or to register.
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
This Week in Art! February 9-13, 2015
6th Grade Art:
"This week was really exciting because we got to start a new Chihuly Flower project and we get to hang them from the ceiling of the cafeteria.So to make the Chihuly Flower you need to draw a design of a piece of plastic and paint it what ever color you want but make sure you can see through it. then you need a blow dryer craft thingy from the craft store and a cardboard tube and take the plastic and rubber band it around the tube and start blow drying it and then take it off and there you have it, a Chihuly flower. ;)"
7th Grade Art:
"This week in art class, we worked on still life drawings. We practiced still life by drawing soda cans. The first day we started by drawing the basic shape of the can, then slowly, we added more detail. We used different shades to show lighter and darker parts of the can, the highlights and the shadows. It taught me a lot about how to draw with dimension and depth."
8th Grade Art:
"This week we worked on our pixel portraits, pixellated drawings of our faces. I started mine by working on the areas that were all one color, then began working in rows across the bottom. We worked on these every day this week, and so I've gotten pretty far on it."
In other art news...

Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow! I hope you're doing something fun to celebrate! I'm working on this fun (and sort-of Valentine-y) painting of donuts using mostly watercolors, and some other mixed media. Notice the heart-shaped ones? Yum!
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
Abby's Chihuly-inspired abstract flower! |
"This week was really exciting because we got to start a new Chihuly Flower project and we get to hang them from the ceiling of the cafeteria.So to make the Chihuly Flower you need to draw a design of a piece of plastic and paint it what ever color you want but make sure you can see through it. then you need a blow dryer craft thingy from the craft store and a cardboard tube and take the plastic and rubber band it around the tube and start blow drying it and then take it off and there you have it, a Chihuly flower. ;)"
- Abby H, Period 8
7th Grade Art:
Alexsija's "Evolution of a Pop Can" drawing |
"This week in art class, we worked on still life drawings. We practiced still life by drawing soda cans. The first day we started by drawing the basic shape of the can, then slowly, we added more detail. We used different shades to show lighter and darker parts of the can, the highlights and the shadows. It taught me a lot about how to draw with dimension and depth."
- Alexsija I, Period 5
8th Grade Art:
Emma's work in progress... |
"This week we worked on our pixel portraits, pixellated drawings of our faces. I started mine by working on the areas that were all one color, then began working in rows across the bottom. We worked on these every day this week, and so I've gotten pretty far on it."
- Emma R, Period 1
In other art news...
Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow! I hope you're doing something fun to celebrate! I'm working on this fun (and sort-of Valentine-y) painting of donuts using mostly watercolors, and some other mixed media. Notice the heart-shaped ones? Yum!
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
This Week in Art: February 2-6, 2015
Today I am roller-skating in PE classes. I stopped briefly during lunch to get the weekly blog post completed for this week! Gotta roll!
6th Grade Art:
Sixth grade art classes finished their letter sculptures this week! Be on the lookout for an Artsonia gallery upload real soon! Today, students will be learning about Dale Chihuly via Scholastic Art magazine, in preparation for our Chihuly "melted" abstract flower project, which we'll work on next week!
7th Grade Art:
Students should have finished their portrait paintings by now, and today some students began creating Campbell's soup labels after the work of Andy Warhol. Our "pop" art unit continues into next week, when we start drawing... pop cans! Students should bring in a canned beverage for art class on Monday. We're going to create observational drawings of our can, to help improve our drawing skills!
8th Grade Art:

Eighth grade students just started on their pixelated portrait "selfies" this week! This is a time-intensive project, but they look so cool when they're finished! While students were working on their drawing, Mrs. Leban got all of the clay work fired for the bisque firing... which means that in a week or two, we'll be working on our glaze! Yay!
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
-Mrs. L.
6th Grade Art:
There are a lot of "E"s in the sixth grade this term! |
Sixth grade art classes finished their letter sculptures this week! Be on the lookout for an Artsonia gallery upload real soon! Today, students will be learning about Dale Chihuly via Scholastic Art magazine, in preparation for our Chihuly "melted" abstract flower project, which we'll work on next week!
7th Grade Art:
via our Artsonia gallery (from earlier in the year) |
Students should have finished their portrait paintings by now, and today some students began creating Campbell's soup labels after the work of Andy Warhol. Our "pop" art unit continues into next week, when we start drawing... pop cans! Students should bring in a canned beverage for art class on Monday. We're going to create observational drawings of our can, to help improve our drawing skills!
8th Grade Art:
Eighth grade students just started on their pixelated portrait "selfies" this week! This is a time-intensive project, but they look so cool when they're finished! While students were working on their drawing, Mrs. Leban got all of the clay work fired for the bisque firing... which means that in a week or two, we'll be working on our glaze! Yay!
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.
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