This week we worked on two different assignments. First, our sketchbook assignment: the one-point perspective name design, which was due on Thursday. Second, we began our 3-dimensional letter sculptures.
Our letter sculptures reinforce our block-letter drawing skills. We're building them out of old cereal boxes and masking tape. After our Thanksgiving break, we will begin applying paper mache to our forms! Can't wait!
7th Grade Art:
This was a very full week for us! We started off the week with some more work time on our surreal landscape sketchbook drawings. Then, we began our painting project - we took digital photos, and altered them on Adobe Photoshop to convert the image to four levels of value. Our printed out photos were then transferred onto paper for painting.
On Thursday, our first sketchbook assignment was due. Be sure to check your grade on Powerschool! We began our second sketchbook assignment right away: a black and white design inspired by Op Art!
8th Grade Art:
We spent most of this week working on our pixelated portraits assignment, but today we started our third sketchbook assignment. It is a copy of a famous painting. We researched artworks online via the links on the 8th grade art webpage. We then used a shared Google spreadsheet (via our d205 Google drive!) to "sign up" for our artwork, so that no one repeated a painting that was already claimed by someone else! It was super fun to get to try out our Google Apps logins for the first time, and see an entire class typing on one document at the same time! Amazing!
In other art news...
How did I miss this news story? Have you seen former President George W. Bush's paintings? Apparently, it's his hobby! He seems to enjoy painting portraits of dogs. It's pretty interesting! He was even on the Jay Leno show to talk about it, and presented Mr. Leno with a portrait! Art critic Jerry Saltz talks about the paintings in this article, and more on the Jay Leno appearance over here.
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.