In sixth grade, we've been working hard, constructing 3-dimensional cardboard letters. It was really fun to see how our knowledge of drawing 2-dimensional block letters (from sketchbook drawing #1) could be useful in another art project. Today (Friday), we began applying paper mache to our cardboard forms. We'll finish that step next week, and start the decorating process, too! This week, we also turned in our first sketchbook assignment (it was due Thursday) - so be on the lookout for our first Artsonia gallery uploads coming very soon!
7th Grade:
Seventh grade is well into their first painting project. On Monday and Tuesday, we used Adobe Photoshop to alter digital portraits that will be used for our paintings. By Thursday, we began mixing paint colors and practicing painting in value scales. We explored tints and shades, and saw the sometimes surprising results when colors mix! By Friday, most students had begun painting their final self-portraits. Want a preview? You can check out last year's paintings here.
We also turned in our first sketchbook assignment on Thursday, so be on the lookout for grades to be posted and artwork to be uploaded on Artsonia real soon!
8th Grade:
Look how far we've come on our clay mug projects! These clay pieces will be fully functional by the end of the quarter! After the bisque firing, we'll paint our mugs with food-safe glaze, so we can actually enjoy beverages out of them. Pretty neat.
Today (Friday), our first sketchbook assignments were due. Stay up-to-date on your art grades via Powerschool, and watch out for our first 8th grade Artsonia uploads very soon!
In other news...
Have you seen our Sandburg student artwork on the "blocks" sculpture in downtown Elmhurst City Centre? It's right in front of Brainfreeze, on the south side of the train tracks!
All of the artwork is from last year's 6th and 7th graders (aka this year's 7th and 8th graders!). It's a project that's been in the making since last spring! I was so excited when I finally got to see it in person!
Thanks for another great week!
- Mrs. L.