This week, we began our letter sculpture project! It was a good thing we learned all about block letters in our first drawing assignment, because we used this knowledge to draw our large letters for our sculptures! Cereal box cardboard is used to make the basic letter form, which is stuffed with newspaper and taped together with masking tape (how appropriate that our recycled materials project fell right around Earth Day!).
On Friday, our first sketchbook assignment (the one-point perspective name design) was due. We also pulled out the paper mache buckets and began coating our letterforms! We'll continue building our sculptures into next week.
7th Grade:
This week was the start of our painting unit. Students altered digital photos of themselves using Adobe Photoshop Elements software to create 4-levels of value on their image. The image outlines are transferred onto white paper to be painted. Before we begin our final paintings, we complete a value scale worksheet that allows us to practice mixing paint tints and shades, and also lets us try out three different color schemes so we can decide which one to use for our final portrait painting.
Our first sketchbook assignment (the two-point perspective surreal landscape) was due yesterday (Thursday). Be on the lookout for those grades to post soon on Powerschool, and for our artwork to be posted on Artsonia!
8th Grade:
Wow! Check out how our awesome sculptures are coming along! We've been working hard this week. The first half of the week was spent finishing up our armatures for our plaster sculptures, and the second half was spent applying plaster! To top it off, we even turned in a sketchbook drawing assignment on Wednesday (our "master copy" drawing). Next week, we'll be finishing up the plaster application and starting a new sketchbook drawing assignment.
In other news...
My "dream come true" story is on the front page of the iPEVO Wishpool site! I'm not sure how long it will be up for, so you can also view it via this direct link. The wireless station I won from them is really cool - I'm currently working on dreaming up fun ways to use it in the classroom with students!
Also in other fun news...
Last weekend, I was fortunate to attend the "Soiree 2013" event for the Elmhurst Art Museum! It's a super fancy fundraiser event for the museum, and Mercedes Benz of Westmont purchased an entire table for the Elmhurst art teachers so that we could attend. How cool! There was super yummy food from Cafe Amano, and amazing theatre performers and live music! I even had to get all dressed up to go! Yowza!
Thanks for another great week!
-Mrs. L.