6th Grade Art:
We finished up our letter sculptures this week, and we've started on our final sketchbook assignment, #3: a manikin drawing. Students love to pose and play with the manikins in the classroom, so for this assignment we finally get to use them! Students pose a wooden manikin in action, draw it, and write a sentence to describe what the manikin is doing. Our goal with this drawing is try to show movement and value - making the manikins look 3-D. This drawing will be due on Friday, April 5th.
7th Grade Art:
We started (what I think is) one of the most fun projects of 7th grade: "Evolution of an Aluminum Can!" Students bring in a canned beverage of their choice, and we get to drink it in class while we draw from observation. Once our first drawing (of the whole can) is finished, we partially crush the can and repeat the process. Once this second drawing is finished, we completely crush the can and draw it for a third time! It's fun to challenge our skills at looking at drawing from real life. This drawing is done in colored pencil (we even pull out the metallic sets for this!) and part of our unit on still life.
8th Grade Art:
This week was the first week of quarter 4! Can you believe we're in the home stretch of this school year? Crazy! On Wednesday, we went to the library 8th period to work on sketchbook assignment #1: draw a scene from your favorite book. The library is the perfect place to find literary inspiration! Although the library was already reserved 9th period, many students still went down to check out books for their drawings during that class. We worked on these pictures Wednesday-Friday, so we'll be ready to start something new when we return from spring break! These drawings will be due on Friday, April 5th.
In other news...
I won a wireless station for USB document cameras and iPads from the iPEVO Wishpool program! This is a great program, so be sure to share with any other teachers you know. Each month, a different item is listed that teachers can "wish" for by signing up and telling iPEVO how this item would be useful in their classroom. If your wish is selected, the item is sent directly to you at school! You may remember that I received three bluetooth keyboards and cases for the iPads through this program a couple months ago. I love iPEVO and all they do for schools!
Our wireless station (once installed; we have to wait until our tech department has some available time to help us) will allow us to view items on the document camera via our ipads - wirelessly! I can't wait to try it out - I think I might take it home to test out at my house over spring break! So fun!
Thanks for another great week!
-Mrs. L.