Shepard Fairey is pretty well-known. In fact, I bet you've seen his work and never even knew his name! The artwork he is most known for is referred to as the "Obey Giant." But he's done some other artistic projects you might be familiar with as well - he designed the loading screen for Guitar Hero II, and the game menu of Tony Hawk's American Wasteland features some of his art as well.
So how does all of this equal extra credit for you? One of two options:
1. Find another artist creating political posters/artwork for either candidate, and tell me about it (web links would be nice - provide the address, please, so I can check it out).
2. Look up Shepard Fairey, and tell me about another one of his artworks (besides the Obama and Obey Giant pieces) that you enjoyed - and WHY.
Don't forget about the posting rules to the right! Thanks!